What should be included in an affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.131(a) for a joint invention?

For a joint invention, an affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.131(a) should include specific information about the contributions of all inventors. According to MPEP 715.04: ‘Where a party to a joint application is unavailable, the affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.131(a) of the other joint inventor(s) should state the efforts made to obtain…

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What should be included in a declaration to show an inventor-originated disclosure?

A declaration to show an inventor-originated disclosure under 37 CFR 1.130(b) should include specific elements to effectively disqualify a disclosure as prior art. According to MPEP 717.01(b)(1), the declaration should: Identify the subject matter publicly disclosed. Provide the date of the public disclosure. Identify the names of the inventors responsible for the public disclosure. Provide…

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What should be included in a declaration or affidavit under 37 CFR 1.130(a)?

A declaration or affidavit under 37 CFR 1.130(a) should include specific information to effectively disqualify a disclosure as prior art. According to MPEP 717.01(a)(1), the declaration or affidavit should include: Identification of the subject matter publicly disclosed: This should be a description of what was disclosed. The date of the public disclosure: The specific date…

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