What are some examples of transformations that are not considered “particular” for patent eligibility?

The MPEP 2106.05(c) provides several examples of transformations that are not considered “particular” for patent eligibility purposes: Data manipulation: Organizing information through mathematical correlations. Displaying data: Presenting the results of abstract processes of collecting and analyzing information without more. Combining data: Gathering and combining data that does not require a particular transformation of a particular…

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What types of transformations are generally not considered patent-eligible under MPEP 2106.05(c)?

MPEP 2106.05(c) provides guidance on transformations that are generally not considered patent-eligible: Mental Processes: Purely mental processes in which thoughts or human based actions are “changed” are not considered an eligible transformation. Data Manipulation: For data, mere “manipulation of basic mathematical constructs [i.e.,] the paradigmatic ‘abstract idea,’” has not been deemed a transformation. Insignificant Transformations:…

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What are some examples of insignificant extra-solution activities in patent claims?

The MPEP 2106.05(g) provides several examples of activities that courts have found to be insignificant extra-solution activity: Mere Data Gathering: Performing clinical tests to obtain input for an equation Testing a system for a response, where the response is used to determine system malfunction Presenting offers to potential customers and gathering statistics about their responses…

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