How does a CPA (Continued Prosecution Application) differ from other continuing applications?

A Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) is a unique type of continuing application that has specific limitations. According to MPEP 201.02: A ‘continued prosecution application’ (CPA) is a continuation or divisional application for an invention disclosed in a prior nonprovisional application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(b) or (d). A CPA can only be filed in a…

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What information appears on the front page of a patent issuing from a continued prosecution application (CPA)?

The front page of a patent issuing from a continued prosecution application (CPA) filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d) contains specific information about prior applications. As stated in the MPEP: The front page of a printed patent issuing on a continued prosecution application (CPA) filed under37 CFR 1.53(d)will identify the application number and filing date of…

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How can I delete a named inventor in a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) for design applications?

To delete a named inventor in a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) for design applications, you must submit a statement requesting the deletion along with the CPA filing. The MPEP states: “Receipt is acknowledged of the statement requesting that [1] be deleted as a named inventor which was filed with the Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) on…

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What is the role of an examiner in processing a request to delete a named inventor in a CPA?

The examiner plays a crucial role in processing requests to delete a named inventor in a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) for design applications. According to MPEP ¶ 2.32, the examiner is responsible for acknowledging the receipt of the request and confirming that the inventorship has been corrected. The MPEP provides the following guidance for examiners:…

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How do benefit claims work with CPAs?

Benefit claims in Continued Prosecution Applications (CPAs) have some unique characteristics: A CPA automatically includes a specific reference under 35 U.S.C. 120 to the prior application No additional amendment to the specification or application data sheet is required to claim benefit A CPA is considered to reference every application in the chain with the same…

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How does inventorship work in a CPA?

Inventorship in a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) generally carries over from the prior application, but there are some important considerations: The inventive entity of the CPA is automatically the same as the prior application unless a statement is filed requesting deletion of inventors A statement requesting deletion of inventors must be filed with the CPA…

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Can amendments be made when filing a CPA?

Amendments can be made when filing a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA), but there are important restrictions and considerations: Any changes must be made as an amendment to the prior application as it existed before filing the CPA No new matter can be introduced in a CPA Preliminary amendments filed with a CPA are generally entered,…

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