What is the CPC database and how does it handle patent family information?

The CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) database is a system that maintains technical information about patent family documents. According to MPEP 905.03(a): “The CPC database maintains technical information regarding the patent family documents for each patent document included.” In this database, CPC symbols are associated with patent families rather than individual documents. This means that when…

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What are combination sets in CPC classification?

Combination sets are a feature of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system that allow for enhanced storage and retrieval of classification information. According to MPEP 905.03(c): “In certain CPC fields, the examiner has the ability to create and search on combinations of CPC symbols (provided as groupings of symbols), each symbol in a grouping has…

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How does CPC classification handle “additional information”?

CPC classification handles “additional information” by assigning it separate classification symbols. According to MPEP 905.03(b), “Additional information is defined as non-trivial technical information which might be useful for search purposes, but does not represent a contribution to the state of the art.” The MPEP provides guidance on how additional information is treated: It is identified…

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