When is the latest a certified copy can be filed for the patent to include the foreign priority claim without a certificate of correction?

The certified copy of the foreign application must be filed before the patent is granted. If the certified copy is filed after payment of the issue fee but prior to the date of grant, the priority claim will be placed in the file record but the patent will not include the priority claim unless corrected…

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How do I properly identify a foreign application when claiming priority in a U.S. patent application?

How do I properly identify a foreign application when claiming priority in a U.S. patent application? When claiming priority to a foreign application in a U.S. patent application, it’s crucial to provide accurate identification information. According to MPEP 214.01, you must include the following details: The application number of the foreign application The country or…

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How does the USPTO handle certified copies for international design applications?

How does the USPTO handle certified copies for international design applications? For international design applications, the USPTO has a specific process for handling certified copies. According to the MPEP: ‘For international design applications designating the United States, the certified copy requirement is considered to have been met by the filing of the international design application…

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