What are certificates issued after a U.S. patent, and how do they affect the patent?

After the issuance of a U.S. patent, several types of certificates can be issued to amend the patent: Reexamination Certificates Certificates of Correction Post-Grant Review Certificates Inter Partes Review Certificates Derivation Certificates These certificates can modify the patent in various ways. For example, “A certificate of correction corrects errors in the patent and is considered…

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What are the limitations on requests for Certificates of Correction?

While the Certificates of Correction Branch handles many requests for patent corrections, there are limitations on what can be corrected through this process. According to MPEP 1002.02(l), certain denials require consideration by higher authorities: “Requests for Certificates of Correction under 37 CFR 1.322 or 1.323 except for denials on grounds requiring consideration by the Chief…

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