How do sequence listing issues affect international patent searches and opinions?

Sequence listing issues can significantly impact international patent searches and opinions. The MPEP specifically mentions that a meaningful search or opinion may not be possible when nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings are not provided in the required form, language, and manner. As stated in MPEP 1843.03: “For example, the examiner may determine that a…

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How does the USPTO handle applications related to ‘recombinant DNA’ inventions?

How does the USPTO handle applications related to ‘recombinant DNA’ inventions? The USPTO gives special attention to patent applications involving recombinant DNA inventions. According to MPEP 708: “Applications relating to recombinant DNA have been accelerated by the Office under the Director’s Initiative.” This means that: Recombinant DNA applications are prioritized for examination They are processed…

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