What are the options for amendments after final rejection?

After a final rejection, an applicant has several options for amendments: Cancel claims or comply with form requirements from a previous Office action Present rejected claims in better form for appeal consideration Submit amendments touching the merits of the application, if good and sufficient reasons are shown As stated in MPEP 714.12: Any amendment that…

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How are amendments treated after an Ex parte Quayle action?

After an Ex parte Quayle action, amendments are treated similarly to amendments after final rejection. MPEP 714.14 states: Amendments touching the merits are treated in a manner similar to amendments after final rejection, though the prosecution may be continued as to the formal matters. This means that while amendments addressing the formal matters are generally…

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Who evaluates amendments for compliance with 37 CFR 1.121?

According to MPEP 714.18, the examiner, not the technical support staff, is responsible for evaluating amendments for compliance with 37 CFR 1.121. The MPEP states: “Evaluation of the amendment after final rejection for compliance with 37 CFR 1.121 should be left to the examiner, and not treated by the technical support staff before forwarding the…

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How are trade secret materials handled when submitted in amendments or arguments?

When trade secret, proprietary, or protective order materials are submitted as part of amendments, arguments for patentability, or affidavits, they are treated differently than those submitted under MPEP § 724.02. The MPEP states: If any trade secret, proprietary, and/or protective order materials are submitted in amendments, arguments in favor of patentability, or affidavits under 37…

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