What is the difference between an ‘allowed’ application and an application ‘in issue’?

According to the MPEP, there is no substantial difference between an ‘allowed’ application and an application ‘in issue’. The MPEP uses these terms interchangeably: “An ‘allowed’ nonprovisional application or an application ‘in issue’ is one which has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, and in which a notice of allowance has been…

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What happens to models, exhibits, or specimens after a patent application is allowed?

After a patent application is allowed, the handling of models, exhibits, or specimens depends on their size and nature. According to MPEP 608.03(a): Upon notification from the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) that an application is being allowed, the model, exhibit, or specimen is transferred to a permanent location for storage. The specific handling…

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