Can an examiner enter an amendment after final rejection that places the application in condition for allowance?

Can an examiner enter an amendment after final rejection that places the application in condition for allowance? Yes, an examiner can enter an amendment after final rejection if it places the application in condition for allowance. The MPEP 714.12 explicitly states: “An amendment filed after final rejection will be entered only if it places the…

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What is an Ex parte Quayle action?

An Ex parte Quayle action is a type of Office action issued when an application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters. As stated in MPEP 714.14: Under the decision in Ex parte Quayle, 25 USPQ 74, 1935 C.D. 11; 453 OG 213 (Comm’r Pat. 1935), after all claims in an application have…

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What happens if a petition to expunge information is not filed before the application is allowed?

What happens if a petition to expunge information is not filed before the application is allowed? If a petition to expunge information is not filed before the application is allowed, the opportunity to expunge information may be significantly limited. According to MPEP 724.05: ‘A petition to expunge information will not be considered if filed after…

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What is the process for handling submitted materials when a reissue application is being allowed?

When a reissue application containing materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 is being allowed, the following process occurs: Before mailing a notice of allowability, the examiner reviews the reissue application file for any unacted-upon petitions to expunge. The examiner or appropriate Office official determines whether the submitted information is material to patentability. If found material,…

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