What is the mailing address for trademark-related correspondence?
The mailing address for trademark-related correspondence is: Commissioner for TrademarksP.O. Box 1451Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 This address should be used for all trademark-related documents filed on paper, except for certain specific documents as outlined in the regulations. According to 37 CFR 2.190: In general, trademark documents to be delivered by the USPS must be addressed to:…
Read MoreHow should I address trademark-related documents to the USPTO?
For trademark-related documents filed on paper, except for certain specific cases, the address is: Commissioner for TrademarksP.O. Box 1451Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 According to MPEP 501, which cites 37 CFR 2.190: “All trademark-related documents filed on paper, except documents sent to the Assignment Recordation Branch for recordation; requests for copies of trademark documents; and certain documents…
Read MoreCan I hand-carry documents to the USPTO?
Yes, you can hand-carry certain documents to the USPTO, but there are specific guidelines and limitations. According to MPEP 501: Patent-related papers may be hand-carried to the Office in Alexandria, VA. Correspondence cannot be hand-carried to the Regional Offices. If the correspondence is hand-carried to the Office, with limited exceptions (see MPEP § 502, subsection…
Read MoreWhat is the mailing address for trademark applications and trademark-related papers?
The mailing address for trademark applications and trademark-related papers filed on paper is: Commissioner for TrademarksP.O. Box 1451Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 This address should be used for all trademark-related documents filed on paper, except for: Documents sent to the Assignment Recordation Branch for recordation Requests for copies of trademark documents Certain documents filed under the Madrid…
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