What is the general mailing address for patent applications and patent-related papers?

The general mailing address for patent applications and patent-related papers is: Commissioner for PatentsP.O. Box 1450Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450 This address should be used for correspondence including patent applications, replies to notices of informality, requests for extension of time, notices of appeal, briefs, requests for oral hearings, applications for patent term extensions, reexamination requests, statutory disclaimers,…

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How should correspondence be addressed for matters not specific to patents or trademarks?

For correspondence that is not specific to patents or trademarks, such as requests for certified copies or assignment recordation, the general mailing address is: Director of the United States Patent and Trademark OfficeP.O. Box 1450Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 This address should be used for: Patent and trademark documents sent to the Assignment Division for recordation (Mail…

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What is the mailing address for trademark applications and trademark-related papers?

The mailing address for trademark applications and trademark-related papers filed on paper is: Commissioner for TrademarksP.O. Box 1451Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 This address should be used for all trademark-related documents filed on paper, except for: Documents sent to the Assignment Recordation Branch for recordation Requests for copies of trademark documents Certain documents filed under the Madrid…

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How should I submit correspondence that requires immediate USPTO attention?

For correspondence that requires immediate attention from the USPTO, such as certain petitions or time-sensitive documents, the following methods are recommended: Use the USPTO patent electronic filing system (EFS-Web or Patent Center). This is the preferred method for most immediate correspondence. Where permitted, use facsimile transmission to the appropriate area of the Office. Hand-carry the…

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