What documentation is needed for a legal representative to act on behalf of a deceased or incapacitated inventor?

What documentation is needed for a legal representative to act on behalf of a deceased or incapacitated inventor? To act on behalf of a deceased or incapacitated inventor, a legal representative must provide appropriate documentation to the USPTO. The MPEP 409.01(a) states: “Office personnel will not question whether the person signing the oath or declaration…

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How can a legal representative file a patent application for a deceased inventor after September 16, 2012?

How can a legal representative file a patent application for a deceased inventor after September 16, 2012? For patent applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, a legal representative can file an application for a deceased inventor by following these steps: File the application normally, listing the deceased inventor Submit an Application Data Sheet…

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What should be done if a legal representative of a deceased inventor refuses to make application?

If a legal representative of a deceased inventor refuses to make application, the procedure depends on when the application was filed: For applications filed before September 16, 2012: Pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 applies. The MPEP states: pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 does apply where a known legal representative of a deceased inventor cannot be found or…

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