Posts Tagged ‘Tech Startups’

How Big Law Hurts Startups

Many inventors and entrepreneurs like to tout their relationship with a Big Law Firm.  It is too bad they do not know how the sausage gets made.  Touting that Big Law wrote your patents is not a badge of quality I review countless patents for startup companies and talk to lots of entrepreneurs. One of…

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Patents Help Sell Your Company

(Updated 10 Oct 2021.) IP plays a big role to sell your company, especially if you are a startup company. Most people think about building an IP portfolio for “protection.” Somehow, the patent value is that they can mystically enforce their patent on an infringer. The notion of “protection” is mostly an illusion, unless you…

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Patent Myths – “Broad Claims are a Good Thing.”

Inventors like to think that their patents are “broad” and somehow that is good.  It is not. The risks with broad patents are that they are more easily invalidated, but it is basically a sales pitch that patent attorneys use to make more money. Narrow patents are bad, too. (Learn more about this and other…

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What Are The Costs To Enforce or Defend a Patent?

Two stages of litigation: claim construction and the trail. Post Grant Review (or Inter-Partes Review) Patent litigation can be very expensive, and the costs of litigation go up considerably with the amount of money at risk. Not to mention, just getting a patent can be very expensive. The risk of patent litigation can be handled…

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Inventions Where BlueIron Does NOT Invest

There are some inventions where BlueIron will NOT invest. I see an obnoxious number of inventions and patents from startups. I estimate that I encounter 10-20 inventions per week lately, and many are not good candidates for us to invest. It is heartbreaking to say “no” to inventors where the invention does not seem to…

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What Risk Is BlueIron Taking When Financing A Patent?

BlueIron is taking several risks when financing a patent. BlueIron is taking the risk that the patent will even issue. BlueIron is making an investment in researching the invention, writing the patent, and getting the patent through the patent office.  If BlueIron fails to get a patent, you can walk away from the deal at…

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So You Have A Patent? Now What?

For many entrepreneurs, life goes on. The nasty secret is that now that they have this new asset, they don’t know what to do with it. They spent a lot of money, time, and energy getting the patent, but struggle with the value of it.

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