Posts Tagged ‘Angel Investing’

Patent Enforcement Insurance Makes Your Company Valuable

Why should I get a patent? I don’t have enough money to enforce it. Many startup companies don’t bother with patents because they don’t think they can enforce them.  And they are right.  A patent lawsuit can be very expensive, and the game of enforcement is really a big game of chicken: both sides are…

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Patents Multiply Your Investment in a Company

Note: this is an excerpt from my book “Investing In Patents.” Patents Multiply Your Investment Patents are used to defend, but also to multiply an investment in technology. In the first case, companies use their patent assets to preserve an investment. In the second case – and this is the most powerful one – patents…

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A Lifestyle Business Makes Investors Jealous

Investors are just jealous of a lifestyle business. The term “lifestyle business” is used pejoratively to smear businesses that angels or venture capitalists can’t fund, but is really something about having a PROFITABLE business. Investors are just jealous that “lifestyle entrepreneurs” don’t need them. In the angel/VC model, there is only one focus: the exit.…

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