What is an S-signature in USPTO correspondence and how is it formatted?
What is an S-signature in USPTO correspondence and how is it formatted?
An S-signature is an electronic signature used in correspondence with the USPTO. According to MPEP 502.02, an S-signature must be formatted as follows:
- Inserted between forward slash marks: /John Doe/
- Include the signer’s name
- For registered practitioners, include their registration number
- The signer’s name can be printed or typed
- The signature must comply with 37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)
For example, a proper S-signature for a registered patent attorney might look like this:
/John Q. Attorney, Reg. No. 12345/
This format allows for efficient electronic filing while maintaining the legal weight of a signature.
To learn more:
MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers,
Patent Law,
Patent Procedure