What is the checker software for “Sequence Listings” and where can I find it?
The USPTO provides checker software to help ensure that “Sequence Listings” comply with the requirements of 37 CFR 1.824. Here are the key points about the checker software:
- It is available on the USPTO website.
- The software can be used to check a “Sequence Listing” for compliance with 37 CFR 1.824 requirements.
- User Notes on the Checker website provide an explanation of the scope of errors and content that can be verified by the software.
The MPEP states: “Checker software that may be used to check a ‘Sequence Listing’ for compliance with the requirements of 37 CFR 1.824 is available on the USPTO website at www.uspto.gov/patents-getting-started/patent-basics/types-patent-applications/utility-patent/checker-version-446. The User Notes on the Checker website should be consulted for an explanation of the scope of errors and content that is able to be verified by the Checker software.”
It’s important to note that while the checker software is a helpful tool, it may not catch all potential issues. Applicants should still carefully review their “Sequence Listings” to ensure full compliance with USPTO requirements.
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