How can I obtain a copy of a “Sequence Listing” for a patent or patent application?
There are several ways to obtain a copy of a “Sequence Listing”:
- Download it from the USPTO sequence homepage.
- Request and pay for an electronic copy through the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch.
- For patents mailed to applicants, the Office includes a copy of the “Sequence Listing” on an electronic medium if it’s not printed in the patent.
The MPEP states: If an applicant desires an electronic copy of a “Sequence Listing”, applicant may either download the “Sequence Listing” from the USPTO sequence homepage ( ) or specifically request and pay for the electronic copy through the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch of the Public Records Division.
To learn more:
MPEP 2400 - Biotechnology,
MPEP 2435 - Publishing Of Patents And Patent Application Publications With A Lengthy "Sequence Listing",
Patent Law,
Patent Procedure