What is the purpose of the specification in a design patent application?

What is the purpose of the specification in a design patent application?

The specification in a design patent application serves a specific purpose that differs from utility patent applications. According to MPEP 1503.01:

The specification of a design application is not required to describe the design in words, but may include statements describing the nature and use of the article in which the design is embodied. The specification must include a description of the figure or figures of the drawing.

The main purposes of the specification in a design patent application are:

  • To provide a brief description of the nature and intended use of the article embodying the design
  • To describe the figure(s) of the drawing
  • To include any statements about color if color is a feature of the design
  • To provide a feature description if included

Unlike utility patents, the specification in a design patent application does not need to provide a detailed written description of the invention. The visual disclosure in the drawings or photographs is the primary means of describing the design. However, the specification must include enough information to support the understanding of the design and its application to the article of manufacture.

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Tags: design description, design patent specification, mpep 1503.01, patent application specification