What is the purpose of recording the Statement of Grant of Protection in the International Register?

The recording of the Statement of Grant of Protection in the International Register serves several important purposes in the context of international design applications. According to MPEP 2940, which cites Hague Rule 18bis(3):

“The International Bureau shall record any statement received under this Rule in the International Register, inform the holder accordingly and, where the statement was communicated, or can be reproduced, in the form of a specific document, transmit a copy of that document to the holder.”

The primary purposes of this recording are:

  1. To provide an official record of the granted protection in the designated country (in this case, the United States).
  2. To inform the holder of the international registration about the granted protection.
  3. To make the information publicly available through the International Register, enhancing transparency in the international design protection system.
  4. To facilitate the dissemination of information about the status of protection for industrial designs in different jurisdictions.

This process ensures that all relevant parties, including the applicant, the public, and other intellectual property offices, have access to up-to-date information about the status of protection for industrial designs under the Hague Agreement system.

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Topics: MPEP 2900 - International Design Applications, MPEP 2940 - Statement Of Grant Of Protection, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Hague Agreement, international design applications, International Register, Statement Of Grant Of Protection, USPTO, Wipo