What is a redacted publication request for patent applications?

A redacted publication request allows applicants who have filed applications in foreign countries to submit a redacted copy of their U.S. patent application for publication. This redacted copy eliminates any part or description of the invention that is not contained in the corresponding foreign applications.

According to MPEP 1132, “If an applicant has filed applications in one or more foreign countries, directly or through a multilateral international agreement, and such foreign filed applications corresponding to an application filed in the Patent and Trademark Office or the description of the invention in such foreign filed applications is less extensive than the application or description of the invention in the application filed in the Patent and Trademark Office, the applicant may submit a redacted copy of the application filed in the Patent and Trademark Office eliminating any part or description of the invention in such application that is not also contained in any of the corresponding applications filed in a foreign country.”

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Tags: Foreign Filing, redacted publication, USPTO