What information is provided for each patent in the Official Gazette?

The Official Gazette provides comprehensive information for each patent. According to MPEP 1703, the following details may be included:

  • Patent number
  • Title of the invention
  • Name of inventor(s), city, and state or country of residence
  • Assignee’s name, city, and state or country of residence, if assigned
  • Applicant’s name, city, and state or country of residence
  • Filing date and application number
  • For reissue patents: original patent number, issue date, and original application details
  • U.S. benefit application data, if any
  • PCT or international design application data, if any
  • Foreign priority application data, if any
  • Patent Application Publication Number and Publication date, if any
  • International classification
  • CPC classification
  • U.S. classification by class and subclass (for Design and Plant documents)
  • Number of claims
  • Selected figure of the drawing, if any
  • A claim or claims

This comprehensive information provides a detailed overview of each newly issued patent.

To learn more:

Tags: Official Gazette, patent details, Patent Information, uspto publication