What are the consequences of not requesting reconsideration of a restriction requirement?

Not requesting reconsideration of a restriction requirement can have significant consequences for your patent application. According to MPEP 818.01(c):

A petition will not be considered if reconsideration of the requirement was not requested (see § 1.181).

This means that if you don’t initially request reconsideration of the restriction requirement through a proper traverse, you lose the right to petition against it later. The consequences include:

  • Inability to challenge the restriction requirement through a petition
  • Acceptance of the restriction as final
  • Limitation of examination to only the elected invention or species
  • Potential need for filing divisional applications to pursue non-elected inventions

Therefore, it’s crucial to file a proper traverse when responding to a restriction requirement, even if you’re not sure whether you’ll want to petition against it later. This preserves your options throughout the patent prosecution process.

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Tags: Consequences, MPEP, patent application, Reconsideration, Restriction Requirement