How should multiple articles be depicted in design patent drawings?

When depicting multiple articles in design patent drawings, there are specific guidelines to follow. According to MPEP 1504.01(b):

“If the separate parts are shown in a single view, the parts must be shown embraced by a bracket “}”.”

This bracket is used to visually indicate that the multiple articles are part of a single design claim. It helps to clarify the scope of the design patent and shows that the articles are to be considered as a unified whole. For example, in a design patent for a dining set, a single view showing a plate, fork, and spoon would have these items enclosed within a bracket to show they are part of the same design claim.

However, it’s important to note that this rule applies only when showing separate articles. As the MPEP states:

“The claim may also involve multiple parts of a single article, where the article is shown in broken lines and various parts are shown in solid lines. In this case, no bracket is needed.”

This distinction helps to differentiate between multiple separate articles and multiple parts of a single article in design patent drawings.

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Tags: bracket, Design Patent Drawings, multiple articles, USPTO Guidelines