How can I request a refund for fees paid in an international patent application?

To request a refund for fees paid in an international patent application or a national stage application, you need to submit a request under 37 CFR 1.26 or 1.446 to the Director of International Patent Legal Administration. As stated in MPEP 1002.02(p):

“Requests under 37 CFR 1.26 or 1.446 for refund of fees paid in an international application or in a national application (i.e., a national stage application or a national application which is continuing from an international application) before PCT Operations and/or International Patent Legal Administration.”

When submitting your request, be sure to provide detailed information about the application, the fees paid, and the reason for requesting the refund. The Director will review your request and determine if a refund is warranted based on the specific circumstances of your case.

To learn more:

Tags: International Patent, Patent Application Fees, PCT, refunds, USPTO fees