Can a registered attorney or agent sign and file an international patent application for the applicant?

Yes, a registered attorney or agent can sign and file an international patent application on behalf of the applicant. However, there are some considerations:

  • The attorney or agent must be registered with the appropriate authority.
  • A separate power of attorney may be required from each applicant.
  • The attorney or agent can sign the international application Request and file the application for the applicant.

The MPEP states: A registered attorney or agent of the applicant may sign the international application Request and file the international application for the applicant. A separate power of attorney from each applicant may be required.

It’s important to note that while an attorney can file the application, the applicant(s) must still meet the requirements for filing an international application, such as being a resident or national of a Contracting State.

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Tags: international application filing, Patent Agent, power of attorney, registered attorney