How can reproductions be submitted through EFS-Web for international design applications?

Reproductions for international design applications can be submitted through EFS-Web as PDF or JPEG files. The process and requirements are as follows:

  • Reproductions can be submitted as single-page PDF or JPEG files using the “Attach Reproductions” section of the “Attach Documents” screen.
  • Alternatively, PDFs (including multi-page PDFs) can be attached using the “Attach Documents other than Reproductions” section.
  • Each image file attached through the “Attach Reproductions” section should contain only one view of the design.
  • The system will prompt users to assign a design and view number to each file attached under the “Attach Reproductions” section.

According to the MPEP, Attaching compliant reproductions via the “Attach Reproductions” section, rather than the “Attach Documents other than Reproductions” section, may help to avoid incurring additional per page publication fees that might otherwise be required by the International Bureau.

It’s important to note that EFS-Web has certain limitations and checks in place:

  • PDF or JPEG files submitted via the “Attach Reproductions” section cannot exceed 2 megabytes in size.
  • For JPEGs, warnings are provided if image resolution and dimension requirements are not met.
  • For PDFs in the “Attach Reproductions” section, only single-page files are allowed.

Users should consult the EFS-Web Quick Start Guide: International Design Application (Hague) for detailed instructions on filing through the USPTO as an office of indirect filing.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2900 - International Design Applications, MPEP 2909.02 - Reproductions (Drawings), Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: EFS-Web, electronic filing, international design applications, Reproductions, USPTO