What should I do if I witness an ex parte communication in a patent interference?

If you witness or become aware of an ex parte communication in a patent interference, you should promptly report it to the Board. The MPEP 2307.01 states:

“Once an interference is declared, any attempt by a party to communicate with the Board through the examiner or to have the examiner act in an involved patent or application without Board authorization should be promptly reported to the Board.”

Reporting such incidents helps maintain the integrity of the interference process. The Board may take action in response, which could include imposing sanctions in the interference or referring the matter to the Office of Enrollment and Discipline if a patent practitioner is involved.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2300 - Interference And Derivation Proceedings, MPEP 2307.01 - Ex Parte Communications, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Ex Parte Communications, Patent Interference, Ptab Rules, Reporting Violations, USPTO procedures