What is WIPO Standard ST.3 and how is it used in patent document identification?

WIPO Standard ST.3 is a crucial resource for identifying the origin of patent documents. According to MPEP 1851:

“The two-letter country codes are set forth in WIPO Standard ST.3, which is published in the ‘WIPO Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation’ and is accessible via the Internet at the WIPO website.”

This standard provides a listing of two-letter country codes and/or organizational codes for states, entities, and intergovernmental organizations that issue or publish industrial property documents. These codes are essential for properly citing patent documents in international search reports and other patent-related documentation.

The standard is regularly updated and includes codes for current entities as well as historical information for entities that no longer exist or have changed. It can be accessed on the WIPO website.

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Tags: country codes, patent document identification, WIPO standards