What information is available for published patent applications?

For published patent applications, the following information is generally available to the public:

  • A copy of the application-as-filed
  • File contents of the published application
  • Specific documents in the file of the published application
  • Status information (pending, abandoned, or patented)
  • Application number
  • Continuity data

According to 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iii), “A copy of the application-as-filed, the file contents of the application, or a specific document in the file of a pending published application may be provided to any person upon request, and payment of the appropriate fee set forth in § 1.19(b).

It’s important to note that if a redacted copy was used for publication, access may be limited to the redacted version.

To learn more:

Tags: application contents, continuity data, Patent Information, published applications, status information