What is the purpose of the Glossary and Synonyms sections in CPC Definitions?

The Glossary and Synonyms sections in CPC Definitions serve important purposes in clarifying terminology and aiding in patent searches. According to MPEP 905.02:

Glossary of terms: “This section consists of definitions for significant words or phrases found in the titles or definition statements.”

Synonyms and Keywords: “This is an optional section establishing synonyms, keywords, abbreviations and acronyms from terms used in the patent documents themselves or in technical literature.”

The MPEP further explains, “This section aids in formulating search queries in electronic searching in the technical field.” These sections are crucial for:

  • Ensuring consistent interpretation of technical terms
  • Facilitating more comprehensive and accurate patent searches
  • Bridging gaps between different terminologies used in patent documents and technical literature

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Tags: cpc glossary, patent searching, patent terminology, synonyms and keywords