What is the significance of Box No. III in Form PCT/ISA/237?

Box No. III of Form PCT/ISA/237 is used to indicate situations where a meaningful opinion on novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability cannot be formed for some or all claims. The MPEP explains: Box No. III of Form PCT/ISA/237 is intended to cover situations where some or all claims of an application are so unclear or inadequately supported by the description that the question of novelty, inventive step (nonobviousness), and industrial applicability cannot be considered, or where the international application or claims thereof relate to subject matter for which it is not required to establish a written opinion concerning novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability, or where no international search report has been established for the claims.

This box is crucial as it alerts the applicant to fundamental issues that prevent a substantive examination of the claims.

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Tags: Claim Clarity, pct examination, substantive examination, written opinion