Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority (1)

An allowed application can lose its status under certain circumstances. The MPEP outlines two main scenarios:

  1. Withdrawal from issue: This is governed by 37 CFR 1.313. The applicant or the USPTO may initiate this process for various reasons, such as the need for further examination or the discovery of new prior art.
  2. Abandonment due to non-payment: As stated in the MPEP, an application becomes abandoned “for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee ( 37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316 ).”

In either case, the application loses its ‘allowed’ status and may require further action or payments to proceed towards patent issuance.

To learn more:

MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims (1)

Once a nonprovisional patent application has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, a notice of allowance is sent to the applicant. The status of the application is then considered “allowed” or “in issue”. As per MPEP 203.04:

An “allowed” nonprovisional application or an application “in issue” is one which has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, and in which a notice of allowance has been sent to the applicant. Its status as an “allowed” application continues from the date of the notice of allowance until it issues as a patent, unless it is withdrawn from issue (37 CFR 1.313), or becomes abandoned for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee (37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316).

MPEP 203 - Status of Applications (1)

Once a nonprovisional patent application has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, a notice of allowance is sent to the applicant. The status of the application is then considered “allowed” or “in issue”. As per MPEP 203.04:

An “allowed” nonprovisional application or an application “in issue” is one which has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, and in which a notice of allowance has been sent to the applicant. Its status as an “allowed” application continues from the date of the notice of allowance until it issues as a patent, unless it is withdrawn from issue (37 CFR 1.313), or becomes abandoned for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee (37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316).

MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner (1)

A registered patent attorney or agent who has been given a power of attorney may withdraw as attorney or agent of record by submitting a request to the USPTO. The process involves:

  1. Filing a request for withdrawal with the USPTO
  2. Obtaining approval from the Director of the USPTO
  3. Notifying the applicant or patent owner of the withdrawal

MPEP 402.06 states: “When filing a request to withdraw as attorney or agent of record, the patent attorney or agent should briefly state the reason(s) for which he or she is withdrawing so that the Office can determine whether to grant the request.”

The practitioner must also take steps to protect the client’s interests, such as giving reasonable notice and allowing time for the client to find new representation.

MPEP 402 - Power of Attorney; Naming Representative (1)

A registered patent attorney or agent who has been given a power of attorney may withdraw as attorney or agent of record by submitting a request to the USPTO. The process involves:

  1. Filing a request for withdrawal with the USPTO
  2. Obtaining approval from the Director of the USPTO
  3. Notifying the applicant or patent owner of the withdrawal

MPEP 402.06 states: “When filing a request to withdraw as attorney or agent of record, the patent attorney or agent should briefly state the reason(s) for which he or she is withdrawing so that the Office can determine whether to grant the request.”

The practitioner must also take steps to protect the client’s interests, such as giving reasonable notice and allowing time for the client to find new representation.

Patent Law (3)

Once a nonprovisional patent application has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, a notice of allowance is sent to the applicant. The status of the application is then considered “allowed” or “in issue”. As per MPEP 203.04:

An “allowed” nonprovisional application or an application “in issue” is one which has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, and in which a notice of allowance has been sent to the applicant. Its status as an “allowed” application continues from the date of the notice of allowance until it issues as a patent, unless it is withdrawn from issue (37 CFR 1.313), or becomes abandoned for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee (37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316).

An allowed application can lose its status under certain circumstances. The MPEP outlines two main scenarios:

  1. Withdrawal from issue: This is governed by 37 CFR 1.313. The applicant or the USPTO may initiate this process for various reasons, such as the need for further examination or the discovery of new prior art.
  2. Abandonment due to non-payment: As stated in the MPEP, an application becomes abandoned “for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee ( 37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316 ).”

In either case, the application loses its ‘allowed’ status and may require further action or payments to proceed towards patent issuance.

To learn more:

A registered patent attorney or agent who has been given a power of attorney may withdraw as attorney or agent of record by submitting a request to the USPTO. The process involves:

  1. Filing a request for withdrawal with the USPTO
  2. Obtaining approval from the Director of the USPTO
  3. Notifying the applicant or patent owner of the withdrawal

MPEP 402.06 states: “When filing a request to withdraw as attorney or agent of record, the patent attorney or agent should briefly state the reason(s) for which he or she is withdrawing so that the Office can determine whether to grant the request.”

The practitioner must also take steps to protect the client’s interests, such as giving reasonable notice and allowing time for the client to find new representation.

Patent Procedure (3)

Once a nonprovisional patent application has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, a notice of allowance is sent to the applicant. The status of the application is then considered “allowed” or “in issue”. As per MPEP 203.04:

An “allowed” nonprovisional application or an application “in issue” is one which has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, and in which a notice of allowance has been sent to the applicant. Its status as an “allowed” application continues from the date of the notice of allowance until it issues as a patent, unless it is withdrawn from issue (37 CFR 1.313), or becomes abandoned for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee (37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316).

An allowed application can lose its status under certain circumstances. The MPEP outlines two main scenarios:

  1. Withdrawal from issue: This is governed by 37 CFR 1.313. The applicant or the USPTO may initiate this process for various reasons, such as the need for further examination or the discovery of new prior art.
  2. Abandonment due to non-payment: As stated in the MPEP, an application becomes abandoned “for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee ( 37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316 ).”

In either case, the application loses its ‘allowed’ status and may require further action or payments to proceed towards patent issuance.

To learn more:

A registered patent attorney or agent who has been given a power of attorney may withdraw as attorney or agent of record by submitting a request to the USPTO. The process involves:

  1. Filing a request for withdrawal with the USPTO
  2. Obtaining approval from the Director of the USPTO
  3. Notifying the applicant or patent owner of the withdrawal

MPEP 402.06 states: “When filing a request to withdraw as attorney or agent of record, the patent attorney or agent should briefly state the reason(s) for which he or she is withdrawing so that the Office can determine whether to grant the request.”

The practitioner must also take steps to protect the client’s interests, such as giving reasonable notice and allowing time for the client to find new representation.