Patent Law FAQ

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (1)

Based on the information provided in MPEP 302.02, there are no exceptions to the USPTO’s English translation requirement for assignments. The MPEP states unequivocally:

The Office will accept and record non-English language documents only if accompanied by an English translation signed by the individual making the translation.

This requirement applies to all non-English assignment documents without exception. The USPTO’s strict adherence to this policy ensures uniformity in the recording process and accessibility of patent ownership information.

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Patent Law (1)

Based on the information provided in MPEP 302.02, there are no exceptions to the USPTO’s English translation requirement for assignments. The MPEP states unequivocally:

The Office will accept and record non-English language documents only if accompanied by an English translation signed by the individual making the translation.

This requirement applies to all non-English assignment documents without exception. The USPTO’s strict adherence to this policy ensures uniformity in the recording process and accessibility of patent ownership information.

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Patent Procedure (1)

Based on the information provided in MPEP 302.02, there are no exceptions to the USPTO’s English translation requirement for assignments. The MPEP states unequivocally:

The Office will accept and record non-English language documents only if accompanied by an English translation signed by the individual making the translation.

This requirement applies to all non-English assignment documents without exception. The USPTO’s strict adherence to this policy ensures uniformity in the recording process and accessibility of patent ownership information.

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