Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 102-Information as to Status of an Application (1)

USPTO personnel should use Patent Data Portal to determine the current location or status of an application. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, no location is associated with the file.

As stated in MPEP 102: When it is desired to determine the current location or status of an application, Office personnel should use Patent Data Portal. If the application is an Image File Wrapper (IFW) application, no location is associated with the file.

MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority (1)

USPTO personnel are instructed to handle status inquiries about patent applications promptly and professionally. According to MPEP 203.08:

“Inquiries as to the status of applications, by persons entitled to the information, should be answered promptly. The examiner, correspondent, or other appropriate personnel should provide the information requested within the following time periods: (A) For information obtainable from PALM, within one business day. (B) For information not obtainable from PALM, within five business days unless such information is not readily available, in which case a date by which an answer will be provided should be given.”

Personnel should verify the inquirer’s right to receive information and provide appropriate status updates without disclosing confidential information to unauthorized parties.

To learn more:

Patent Law (2)

USPTO personnel are instructed to handle status inquiries about patent applications promptly and professionally. According to MPEP 203.08:

“Inquiries as to the status of applications, by persons entitled to the information, should be answered promptly. The examiner, correspondent, or other appropriate personnel should provide the information requested within the following time periods: (A) For information obtainable from PALM, within one business day. (B) For information not obtainable from PALM, within five business days unless such information is not readily available, in which case a date by which an answer will be provided should be given.”

Personnel should verify the inquirer’s right to receive information and provide appropriate status updates without disclosing confidential information to unauthorized parties.

To learn more:

USPTO personnel should use Patent Data Portal to determine the current location or status of an application. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, no location is associated with the file.

As stated in MPEP 102: When it is desired to determine the current location or status of an application, Office personnel should use Patent Data Portal. If the application is an Image File Wrapper (IFW) application, no location is associated with the file.

Patent Procedure (2)

USPTO personnel are instructed to handle status inquiries about patent applications promptly and professionally. According to MPEP 203.08:

“Inquiries as to the status of applications, by persons entitled to the information, should be answered promptly. The examiner, correspondent, or other appropriate personnel should provide the information requested within the following time periods: (A) For information obtainable from PALM, within one business day. (B) For information not obtainable from PALM, within five business days unless such information is not readily available, in which case a date by which an answer will be provided should be given.”

Personnel should verify the inquirer’s right to receive information and provide appropriate status updates without disclosing confidential information to unauthorized parties.

To learn more:

USPTO personnel should use Patent Data Portal to determine the current location or status of an application. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, no location is associated with the file.

As stated in MPEP 102: When it is desired to determine the current location or status of an application, Office personnel should use Patent Data Portal. If the application is an Image File Wrapper (IFW) application, no location is associated with the file.