Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (2)

How are historical patent assignment records maintained?

The USPTO maintains historical patent assignment records separately from more recent records. MPEP 301.01 explains:

‘The historical database of assignments is maintained separate and apart from the database of assignments affecting title recorded since 1980.’

This means that:

  • Records prior to August 1980 are kept in a separate historical database
  • These older records may not be available through the online Patent Assignment Search
  • Accessing historical records may require different procedures or direct contact with the USPTO

For researchers or legal professionals needing access to pre-1980 assignment records, it’s advisable to contact the USPTO’s Patent and Trademark Resource Centers or the Assignment Recordation Branch for assistance.

The USPTO treats assignment records and application file records as distinct entities. According to MPEP 323.01(d):

Assignment records are recognized as distinct from application file records.

This distinction is important because:

  • Expungement procedures may affect assignment records differently than application file records.
  • Searches in the Assignment Historical Database may yield different results than searches in application files.
  • The process for correcting or modifying information may differ between assignment records and application file records.

Understanding this distinction is crucial for patent attorneys and applicants when managing their intellectual property records and conducting searches in USPTO databases.

To learn more:

MPEP 301-Ownership/Assignability of Patents and Applications (1)

How are historical patent assignment records maintained?

The USPTO maintains historical patent assignment records separately from more recent records. MPEP 301.01 explains:

‘The historical database of assignments is maintained separate and apart from the database of assignments affecting title recorded since 1980.’

This means that:

  • Records prior to August 1980 are kept in a separate historical database
  • These older records may not be available through the online Patent Assignment Search
  • Accessing historical records may require different procedures or direct contact with the USPTO

For researchers or legal professionals needing access to pre-1980 assignment records, it’s advisable to contact the USPTO’s Patent and Trademark Resource Centers or the Assignment Recordation Branch for assistance.

Patent Law (2)

How are historical patent assignment records maintained?

The USPTO maintains historical patent assignment records separately from more recent records. MPEP 301.01 explains:

‘The historical database of assignments is maintained separate and apart from the database of assignments affecting title recorded since 1980.’

This means that:

  • Records prior to August 1980 are kept in a separate historical database
  • These older records may not be available through the online Patent Assignment Search
  • Accessing historical records may require different procedures or direct contact with the USPTO

For researchers or legal professionals needing access to pre-1980 assignment records, it’s advisable to contact the USPTO’s Patent and Trademark Resource Centers or the Assignment Recordation Branch for assistance.

The USPTO treats assignment records and application file records as distinct entities. According to MPEP 323.01(d):

Assignment records are recognized as distinct from application file records.

This distinction is important because:

  • Expungement procedures may affect assignment records differently than application file records.
  • Searches in the Assignment Historical Database may yield different results than searches in application files.
  • The process for correcting or modifying information may differ between assignment records and application file records.

Understanding this distinction is crucial for patent attorneys and applicants when managing their intellectual property records and conducting searches in USPTO databases.

To learn more:

Patent Procedure (2)

How are historical patent assignment records maintained?

The USPTO maintains historical patent assignment records separately from more recent records. MPEP 301.01 explains:

‘The historical database of assignments is maintained separate and apart from the database of assignments affecting title recorded since 1980.’

This means that:

  • Records prior to August 1980 are kept in a separate historical database
  • These older records may not be available through the online Patent Assignment Search
  • Accessing historical records may require different procedures or direct contact with the USPTO

For researchers or legal professionals needing access to pre-1980 assignment records, it’s advisable to contact the USPTO’s Patent and Trademark Resource Centers or the Assignment Recordation Branch for assistance.

The USPTO treats assignment records and application file records as distinct entities. According to MPEP 323.01(d):

Assignment records are recognized as distinct from application file records.

This distinction is important because:

  • Expungement procedures may affect assignment records differently than application file records.
  • Searches in the Assignment Historical Database may yield different results than searches in application files.
  • The process for correcting or modifying information may differ between assignment records and application file records.

Understanding this distinction is crucial for patent attorneys and applicants when managing their intellectual property records and conducting searches in USPTO databases.

To learn more: