Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers (3)

If you cannot file your patent application electronically or by Priority Mail Express® due to an emergency, consider the following options:

  1. Use first-class mail with a Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.8
  2. Hand-deliver the application to the USPTO, if possible
  3. If the emergency is a designated postal service interruption, follow the specific instructions provided by the USPTO on their website or in the Official Gazette

Remember that the provisions for postal emergencies only apply to actual USPS service interruptions, not other circumstances like computer failures or office inaccessibility.

As stated in MPEP 511: “Applicants are cautioned that the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) only apply to postal interruptions and emergencies. The provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) do not provide for granting of a filing date to correspondence as of the date on which it would have been filed but for other exigencies, such as the unavailability of a computer or word processing equipment, or the inaccessibility of an office or building other than a USPS facility.”

In the event of a postal interruption or emergency:

  • An announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at
  • A notice will be published in the Official Gazette
  • These communications will provide instructions about filing patent applications and other papers related to patent applications and patents

The USPTO Director may prescribe rules considering papers or fees filed on the date they would have been deposited with the USPS, but for postal service interruptions or emergencies.

As stated in MPEP 511: “In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, an announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at and a notice will be published in the Official Gazette, providing instructions about the filing of patent applications, and other papers related to patent applications and patents.”

You can petition the USPTO Director to consider correspondence as filed on a particular date if it was returned or refused by the USPS due to a Priority Mail Express® interruption or emergency. The petition process is outlined in 37 CFR 1.10(g) and (h):

  1. File the petition promptly after becoming aware of the return or refusal
  2. Include the original correspondence or a copy showing the Priority Mail Express® mailing label number
  3. Provide a copy of the Priority Mail Express® mailing label showing the “date accepted” (for returned mail)
  4. Include a statement establishing the original deposit attempt and that the correspondence is the original or a true copy
  5. The USPTO may require additional evidence to verify the interruption or emergency

As stated in MPEP 511: “37 CFR 1.10(g) provides a procedure under which applicant may petition the Director to have correspondence that was returned by the USPS due to an interruption or emergency in Priority Mail Express® service considered as filed on a particular date in the Office.”

MPEP 511 - Postal Service Interruptions and Emergencies (3)

If you cannot file your patent application electronically or by Priority Mail Express® due to an emergency, consider the following options:

  1. Use first-class mail with a Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.8
  2. Hand-deliver the application to the USPTO, if possible
  3. If the emergency is a designated postal service interruption, follow the specific instructions provided by the USPTO on their website or in the Official Gazette

Remember that the provisions for postal emergencies only apply to actual USPS service interruptions, not other circumstances like computer failures or office inaccessibility.

As stated in MPEP 511: “Applicants are cautioned that the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) only apply to postal interruptions and emergencies. The provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) do not provide for granting of a filing date to correspondence as of the date on which it would have been filed but for other exigencies, such as the unavailability of a computer or word processing equipment, or the inaccessibility of an office or building other than a USPS facility.”

In the event of a postal interruption or emergency:

  • An announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at
  • A notice will be published in the Official Gazette
  • These communications will provide instructions about filing patent applications and other papers related to patent applications and patents

The USPTO Director may prescribe rules considering papers or fees filed on the date they would have been deposited with the USPS, but for postal service interruptions or emergencies.

As stated in MPEP 511: “In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, an announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at and a notice will be published in the Official Gazette, providing instructions about the filing of patent applications, and other papers related to patent applications and patents.”

You can petition the USPTO Director to consider correspondence as filed on a particular date if it was returned or refused by the USPS due to a Priority Mail Express® interruption or emergency. The petition process is outlined in 37 CFR 1.10(g) and (h):

  1. File the petition promptly after becoming aware of the return or refusal
  2. Include the original correspondence or a copy showing the Priority Mail Express® mailing label number
  3. Provide a copy of the Priority Mail Express® mailing label showing the “date accepted” (for returned mail)
  4. Include a statement establishing the original deposit attempt and that the correspondence is the original or a true copy
  5. The USPTO may require additional evidence to verify the interruption or emergency

As stated in MPEP 511: “37 CFR 1.10(g) provides a procedure under which applicant may petition the Director to have correspondence that was returned by the USPS due to an interruption or emergency in Priority Mail Express® service considered as filed on a particular date in the Office.”

Patent Law (3)

If you cannot file your patent application electronically or by Priority Mail Express® due to an emergency, consider the following options:

  1. Use first-class mail with a Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.8
  2. Hand-deliver the application to the USPTO, if possible
  3. If the emergency is a designated postal service interruption, follow the specific instructions provided by the USPTO on their website or in the Official Gazette

Remember that the provisions for postal emergencies only apply to actual USPS service interruptions, not other circumstances like computer failures or office inaccessibility.

As stated in MPEP 511: “Applicants are cautioned that the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) only apply to postal interruptions and emergencies. The provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) do not provide for granting of a filing date to correspondence as of the date on which it would have been filed but for other exigencies, such as the unavailability of a computer or word processing equipment, or the inaccessibility of an office or building other than a USPS facility.”

In the event of a postal interruption or emergency:

  • An announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at
  • A notice will be published in the Official Gazette
  • These communications will provide instructions about filing patent applications and other papers related to patent applications and patents

The USPTO Director may prescribe rules considering papers or fees filed on the date they would have been deposited with the USPS, but for postal service interruptions or emergencies.

As stated in MPEP 511: “In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, an announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at and a notice will be published in the Official Gazette, providing instructions about the filing of patent applications, and other papers related to patent applications and patents.”

You can petition the USPTO Director to consider correspondence as filed on a particular date if it was returned or refused by the USPS due to a Priority Mail Express® interruption or emergency. The petition process is outlined in 37 CFR 1.10(g) and (h):

  1. File the petition promptly after becoming aware of the return or refusal
  2. Include the original correspondence or a copy showing the Priority Mail Express® mailing label number
  3. Provide a copy of the Priority Mail Express® mailing label showing the “date accepted” (for returned mail)
  4. Include a statement establishing the original deposit attempt and that the correspondence is the original or a true copy
  5. The USPTO may require additional evidence to verify the interruption or emergency

As stated in MPEP 511: “37 CFR 1.10(g) provides a procedure under which applicant may petition the Director to have correspondence that was returned by the USPS due to an interruption or emergency in Priority Mail Express® service considered as filed on a particular date in the Office.”

Patent Procedure (3)

If you cannot file your patent application electronically or by Priority Mail Express® due to an emergency, consider the following options:

  1. Use first-class mail with a Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.8
  2. Hand-deliver the application to the USPTO, if possible
  3. If the emergency is a designated postal service interruption, follow the specific instructions provided by the USPTO on their website or in the Official Gazette

Remember that the provisions for postal emergencies only apply to actual USPS service interruptions, not other circumstances like computer failures or office inaccessibility.

As stated in MPEP 511: “Applicants are cautioned that the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) only apply to postal interruptions and emergencies. The provisions of 35 U.S.C. 21(a) and 37 CFR 1.10(g) to (i) do not provide for granting of a filing date to correspondence as of the date on which it would have been filed but for other exigencies, such as the unavailability of a computer or word processing equipment, or the inaccessibility of an office or building other than a USPS facility.”

In the event of a postal interruption or emergency:

  • An announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at
  • A notice will be published in the Official Gazette
  • These communications will provide instructions about filing patent applications and other papers related to patent applications and patents

The USPTO Director may prescribe rules considering papers or fees filed on the date they would have been deposited with the USPS, but for postal service interruptions or emergencies.

As stated in MPEP 511: “In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, an announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at and a notice will be published in the Official Gazette, providing instructions about the filing of patent applications, and other papers related to patent applications and patents.”

You can petition the USPTO Director to consider correspondence as filed on a particular date if it was returned or refused by the USPS due to a Priority Mail Express® interruption or emergency. The petition process is outlined in 37 CFR 1.10(g) and (h):

  1. File the petition promptly after becoming aware of the return or refusal
  2. Include the original correspondence or a copy showing the Priority Mail Express® mailing label number
  3. Provide a copy of the Priority Mail Express® mailing label showing the “date accepted” (for returned mail)
  4. Include a statement establishing the original deposit attempt and that the correspondence is the original or a true copy
  5. The USPTO may require additional evidence to verify the interruption or emergency

As stated in MPEP 511: “37 CFR 1.10(g) provides a procedure under which applicant may petition the Director to have correspondence that was returned by the USPS due to an interruption or emergency in Priority Mail Express® service considered as filed on a particular date in the Office.”