Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

What are the consequences of submitting a poor-quality copy of an assignment document to the USPTO?

Submitting a poor-quality copy of an assignment document to the USPTO can lead to rejection of the recording request. The MPEP 302.01 clearly states that “Only copies of an original assignment document (with the exception of those submitted via EFS-Web) may be submitted for recording.” Furthermore, it emphasizes that “The copy must be legible, capable of reproduction and otherwise meet the usual requirements of documents for recording.” If a poor-quality copy is submitted:

  • The recording request may be rejected
  • The effective date of recordation could be delayed
  • Additional fees may be incurred for resubmission
  • There could be potential legal implications if the assignment is not properly recorded in a timely manner

To avoid these issues, always ensure that the copy submitted is of high quality and meets all USPTO requirements for legibility and reproducibility.