Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

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MPEP 102-Information as to Status of an Application (1)

Under MPEP 102, limited information about a pending application can be obtained, including:

  • Application number
  • Filing date
  • Whether the application has been published
  • Whether the application has been assigned
  • Power of attorney
  • Name of the examiner to whom the application is assigned
  • Status of the application (e.g., pending, abandoned, or issued)
  • Group art unit number
  • Filing receipt information
  • If available, projected publication date

However, access to the application file itself is restricted unless special circumstances apply or the application has been published.

MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers (1)

The USPTO does not officially receive mail on weekends or federal holidays when the office is closed. Any correspondence received on these days is typically stamped with the next business day’s date. For example, if mail is delivered to the USPTO on a Saturday, it will be stamped with the following Monday’s date (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). This practice ensures consistency in dating received documents and aligns with the USPTO’s official business hours.

MPEP 505 - Date of Receipt Stamp (1)

The USPTO does not officially receive mail on weekends or federal holidays when the office is closed. Any correspondence received on these days is typically stamped with the next business day’s date. For example, if mail is delivered to the USPTO on a Saturday, it will be stamped with the following Monday’s date (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). This practice ensures consistency in dating received documents and aligns with the USPTO’s official business hours.

Patent Law (2)

Under MPEP 102, limited information about a pending application can be obtained, including:

  • Application number
  • Filing date
  • Whether the application has been published
  • Whether the application has been assigned
  • Power of attorney
  • Name of the examiner to whom the application is assigned
  • Status of the application (e.g., pending, abandoned, or issued)
  • Group art unit number
  • Filing receipt information
  • If available, projected publication date

However, access to the application file itself is restricted unless special circumstances apply or the application has been published.

The USPTO does not officially receive mail on weekends or federal holidays when the office is closed. Any correspondence received on these days is typically stamped with the next business day’s date. For example, if mail is delivered to the USPTO on a Saturday, it will be stamped with the following Monday’s date (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). This practice ensures consistency in dating received documents and aligns with the USPTO’s official business hours.

Patent Procedure (2)

Under MPEP 102, limited information about a pending application can be obtained, including:

  • Application number
  • Filing date
  • Whether the application has been published
  • Whether the application has been assigned
  • Power of attorney
  • Name of the examiner to whom the application is assigned
  • Status of the application (e.g., pending, abandoned, or issued)
  • Group art unit number
  • Filing receipt information
  • If available, projected publication date

However, access to the application file itself is restricted unless special circumstances apply or the application has been published.

The USPTO does not officially receive mail on weekends or federal holidays when the office is closed. Any correspondence received on these days is typically stamped with the next business day’s date. For example, if mail is delivered to the USPTO on a Saturday, it will be stamped with the following Monday’s date (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). This practice ensures consistency in dating received documents and aligns with the USPTO’s official business hours.