Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

According to the MPEP, the 37 CFR 3.73(c) statement establishing assignee ownership can be signed by:

  1. A person in the organization having apparent authority to sign on behalf of the organization (e.g., an officer)
  2. Any person, if the statement sets forth that the person is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee
  3. A patent practitioner of record
  4. A person empowered by an organizational resolution to sign on behalf of the assignee, if a copy of the resolution is submitted

The MPEP clarifies: “An officer (chief executive officer, president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer) is presumed to have authority to sign on behalf of the organization. The signature of the chairman of the board of directors is acceptable, but not the signature of an individual director.”