Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers (2)

The primary purpose of drawing review in OPAP is to determine whether the drawings in new utility and plant patent applications can be effectively scanned for publication purposes. As stated in MPEP 507:

The Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) performs an initial review of drawings in new utility and plant patent applications to determine whether the drawings can be effectively scanned for publication purposes.

It’s important to note that design applications are not subject to this review as they are not published.

When an application is filed with informal drawings, the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) will review the drawings to determine if they can be used for publication purposes. If the drawings are not acceptable for publication purposes, OPAP will object to the drawings and require corrected drawings within a set time period, usually two months. This objection does not affect the filing date of the application, and applicants can correct the drawings later in the examination process if needed.

MPEP 507 - Drawing Review in the Office of Patent Application Processing (2)

The primary purpose of drawing review in OPAP is to determine whether the drawings in new utility and plant patent applications can be effectively scanned for publication purposes. As stated in MPEP 507:

The Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) performs an initial review of drawings in new utility and plant patent applications to determine whether the drawings can be effectively scanned for publication purposes.

It’s important to note that design applications are not subject to this review as they are not published.

When an application is filed with informal drawings, the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) will review the drawings to determine if they can be used for publication purposes. If the drawings are not acceptable for publication purposes, OPAP will object to the drawings and require corrected drawings within a set time period, usually two months. This objection does not affect the filing date of the application, and applicants can correct the drawings later in the examination process if needed.

Patent Law (2)

The primary purpose of drawing review in OPAP is to determine whether the drawings in new utility and plant patent applications can be effectively scanned for publication purposes. As stated in MPEP 507:

The Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) performs an initial review of drawings in new utility and plant patent applications to determine whether the drawings can be effectively scanned for publication purposes.

It’s important to note that design applications are not subject to this review as they are not published.

When an application is filed with informal drawings, the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) will review the drawings to determine if they can be used for publication purposes. If the drawings are not acceptable for publication purposes, OPAP will object to the drawings and require corrected drawings within a set time period, usually two months. This objection does not affect the filing date of the application, and applicants can correct the drawings later in the examination process if needed.

Patent Procedure (2)

The primary purpose of drawing review in OPAP is to determine whether the drawings in new utility and plant patent applications can be effectively scanned for publication purposes. As stated in MPEP 507:

The Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) performs an initial review of drawings in new utility and plant patent applications to determine whether the drawings can be effectively scanned for publication purposes.

It’s important to note that design applications are not subject to this review as they are not published.

When an application is filed with informal drawings, the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) will review the drawings to determine if they can be used for publication purposes. If the drawings are not acceptable for publication purposes, OPAP will object to the drawings and require corrected drawings within a set time period, usually two months. This objection does not affect the filing date of the application, and applicants can correct the drawings later in the examination process if needed.