Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (1)

MPEP 318 provides clear guidance to patent examiners on how to handle assignment documents. The section states:

“Assignment documents submitted for recording should not be placed directly in application or patent files, but should be forwarded to Assignment Division for recording.”

This instruction serves to:

  • Remind examiners not to include assignment documents in the main application file
  • Direct examiners to forward any received assignment documents to the Assignment Division
  • Ensure that the proper procedures for recording assignments are followed
  • Maintain the separation between technical examination and ownership recording

By following this guidance, patent examiners help maintain the integrity of both the application files and the assignment records.

MPEP 318 - Documents Not to be Placed in Files (1)

MPEP 318 provides clear guidance to patent examiners on how to handle assignment documents. The section states:

“Assignment documents submitted for recording should not be placed directly in application or patent files, but should be forwarded to Assignment Division for recording.”

This instruction serves to:

  • Remind examiners not to include assignment documents in the main application file
  • Direct examiners to forward any received assignment documents to the Assignment Division
  • Ensure that the proper procedures for recording assignments are followed
  • Maintain the separation between technical examination and ownership recording

By following this guidance, patent examiners help maintain the integrity of both the application files and the assignment records.

Patent Law (2)

For patent applications filed before September 16, 2012, specific guidance on power of attorney can be found in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). According to MPEP 601.02:

“See MPEP § 402.02(b) for detailed information and relevant forms pertaining to appointment of a power of attorney in applications filed before September 16, 2012.”

To access detailed information and relevant forms for older patent applications, you should refer to MPEP § 402.02(b). This section provides comprehensive guidance on the process and required documentation for appointing a power of attorney in patent applications filed before the September 16, 2012 cutoff date.

To learn more:

MPEP 318 provides clear guidance to patent examiners on how to handle assignment documents. The section states:

“Assignment documents submitted for recording should not be placed directly in application or patent files, but should be forwarded to Assignment Division for recording.”

This instruction serves to:

  • Remind examiners not to include assignment documents in the main application file
  • Direct examiners to forward any received assignment documents to the Assignment Division
  • Ensure that the proper procedures for recording assignments are followed
  • Maintain the separation between technical examination and ownership recording

By following this guidance, patent examiners help maintain the integrity of both the application files and the assignment records.

Patent Procedure (2)

For patent applications filed before September 16, 2012, specific guidance on power of attorney can be found in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). According to MPEP 601.02:

“See MPEP § 402.02(b) for detailed information and relevant forms pertaining to appointment of a power of attorney in applications filed before September 16, 2012.”

To access detailed information and relevant forms for older patent applications, you should refer to MPEP § 402.02(b). This section provides comprehensive guidance on the process and required documentation for appointing a power of attorney in patent applications filed before the September 16, 2012 cutoff date.

To learn more:

MPEP 318 provides clear guidance to patent examiners on how to handle assignment documents. The section states:

“Assignment documents submitted for recording should not be placed directly in application or patent files, but should be forwarded to Assignment Division for recording.”

This instruction serves to:

  • Remind examiners not to include assignment documents in the main application file
  • Direct examiners to forward any received assignment documents to the Assignment Division
  • Ensure that the proper procedures for recording assignments are followed
  • Maintain the separation between technical examination and ownership recording

By following this guidance, patent examiners help maintain the integrity of both the application files and the assignment records.