Patent Law FAQ

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MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims (3)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:
  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

MPEP 212 - [Reserved] (3)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

Patent Law (3)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

Patent Procedure (3)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]