Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

What happens if an assignment document is not recorded at the USPTO?

If an assignment document is not recorded at the USPTO, it can have significant legal implications. According to MPEP 302:

‘An assignment, grant, or conveyance of a patent or application shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for valuable consideration, without notice, unless it is recorded in the Office within three months from its date or prior to the date of such subsequent purchase or mortgage.’

In other words, failing to record an assignment within the specified timeframe can render it invalid against subsequent purchasers or mortgagees who were unaware of the previous assignment. This highlights the importance of timely recording assignments to protect the rights of assignees.

For more information on assignment recording, visit: assignment recording.

For more information on legal implications, visit: legal implications.

For more information on patent rights, visit: patent rights.

For more information on USPTO, visit: USPTO.