Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 103-Right of Public To Inspect Patent Files and Some Application Files (3)

The Image File Wrapper (IFW) system is an electronic system used by the USPTO to store and process patent application files. Key points about the IFW system and its impact on public access include:

  • Paper components of application files are scanned to create electronic image files
  • For IFW applications, the electronic file is the Official file
  • No access is granted to original paper documents used to create the IFW file
  • Processing and examination are conducted using electronic images
  • IFW files for patented applications, published applications, or applications referenced in published documents are accessible through Patent Center on the USPTO website
  • All patent applications filed after June 30, 2003, have been scanned into the IFW system

The IFW system has made it easier for the public to access eligible patent application files online through Patent Center, eliminating the need to physically inspect paper files in many cases.

Information about reexamination proceedings is made available to the public in several ways:

  1. Announcement in the Official Gazette:
    • The filing of each request for reexamination (where the full fee has been paid) is announced
    • Reexaminations ordered at the Director’s initiative are also announced
  2. Public inspection of reexamination files:
    • Once scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, reexamination files are open to public inspection
    • Files can be accessed through Patent Center on the USPTO website
    • The entire contents of the reexamination file are viewable, except for non-patent literature

Direct quote: ‘All requests for reexamination for which all the requirements of § 1.510 or § 1.915 have been satisfied will be announced in the Official Gazette. Any reexaminations at the initiative of the Director pursuant to § 1.520 will also be announced in the Official Gazette.’ (37 CFR 1.11(c))

Note that a reexamination file is typically not open to inspection until it has been scanned into the IFW system.

Reissue application files are generally open to public inspection. According to 37 CFR 1.11(b):

  • Reissue applications are open to inspection by the general public
  • The filing of reissue applications (except for continued prosecution applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d)) is announced in the Official Gazette
  • The announcement includes details such as filing date, reissue application and original patent numbers, title, inventor name, and examining group

For Image File Wrapper (IFW) reissue applications:

  • Files are open to inspection by the general public through Patent Center via the USPTO website
  • Members of the public can view the entire content of the reissue application file history online

Direct quote: ‘All reissue applications, all applications in which the Office has accepted a request to open the complete application to inspection by the public, and related papers in the application file, are open to inspection by the public, and copies may be furnished upon paying the fee therefor.’ (37 CFR 1.11(b))

MPEP 104-Power to Inspect Application (1)

No, powers to inspect are not accepted in Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications. IFW applications are available through the Private Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system, and pro se applicants and attorneys of record have direct access to the IFW through Private PAIR when:

  • A Customer Number is associated with the correspondence address for the application, and
  • The applicant or attorney has access to Private PAIR for the customer number

In addition, IFW application files of published applications or patents are available at least through Patent Center. If an applicant, inventor, assignee, or attorney/agent of record cannot view an IFW application through Private PAIR or Patent Center, then a copy of the application must be purchased from the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch of the Public Records Division.

MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers (2)

For papers that have been scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, the USPTO has a specific procedure for ‘returning’ them. According to MPEP 508.02:

“If a paper has been scanned into the IFW, ‘return’ of the paper will be accomplished by the Office closing it in IFW.”

This means that instead of physically returning the paper, the USPTO will electronically close or restrict access to the document within the IFW system. This process maintains the integrity of the digital file while effectively ‘returning’ the document.

To learn more:

Patent applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. As stated in the MPEP, All applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. This digital system allows examiners, technical support staff, and other Office personnel to perform further processing and examination efficiently.

For physical items such as models, exhibits, and specimens, special handling procedures are in place. The MPEP directs readers to MPEP § 608.03 and 608.03(a) for more information on these items.

For more information on image file wrapper, visit: image file wrapper.

For more information on patent application filing, visit: patent application filing.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

MPEP 508 - Distribution (1)

Patent applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. As stated in the MPEP, All applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. This digital system allows examiners, technical support staff, and other Office personnel to perform further processing and examination efficiently.

For physical items such as models, exhibits, and specimens, special handling procedures are in place. The MPEP directs readers to MPEP § 608.03 and 608.03(a) for more information on these items.

For more information on image file wrapper, visit: image file wrapper.

For more information on patent application filing, visit: patent application filing.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

Patent Law (6)

The Image File Wrapper (IFW) system is an electronic system used by the USPTO to store and process patent application files. Key points about the IFW system and its impact on public access include:

  • Paper components of application files are scanned to create electronic image files
  • For IFW applications, the electronic file is the Official file
  • No access is granted to original paper documents used to create the IFW file
  • Processing and examination are conducted using electronic images
  • IFW files for patented applications, published applications, or applications referenced in published documents are accessible through Patent Center on the USPTO website
  • All patent applications filed after June 30, 2003, have been scanned into the IFW system

The IFW system has made it easier for the public to access eligible patent application files online through Patent Center, eliminating the need to physically inspect paper files in many cases.

Information about reexamination proceedings is made available to the public in several ways:

  1. Announcement in the Official Gazette:
    • The filing of each request for reexamination (where the full fee has been paid) is announced
    • Reexaminations ordered at the Director’s initiative are also announced
  2. Public inspection of reexamination files:
    • Once scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, reexamination files are open to public inspection
    • Files can be accessed through Patent Center on the USPTO website
    • The entire contents of the reexamination file are viewable, except for non-patent literature

Direct quote: ‘All requests for reexamination for which all the requirements of § 1.510 or § 1.915 have been satisfied will be announced in the Official Gazette. Any reexaminations at the initiative of the Director pursuant to § 1.520 will also be announced in the Official Gazette.’ (37 CFR 1.11(c))

Note that a reexamination file is typically not open to inspection until it has been scanned into the IFW system.

For papers that have been scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, the USPTO has a specific procedure for ‘returning’ them. According to MPEP 508.02:

“If a paper has been scanned into the IFW, ‘return’ of the paper will be accomplished by the Office closing it in IFW.”

This means that instead of physically returning the paper, the USPTO will electronically close or restrict access to the document within the IFW system. This process maintains the integrity of the digital file while effectively ‘returning’ the document.

To learn more:

Reissue application files are generally open to public inspection. According to 37 CFR 1.11(b):

  • Reissue applications are open to inspection by the general public
  • The filing of reissue applications (except for continued prosecution applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d)) is announced in the Official Gazette
  • The announcement includes details such as filing date, reissue application and original patent numbers, title, inventor name, and examining group

For Image File Wrapper (IFW) reissue applications:

  • Files are open to inspection by the general public through Patent Center via the USPTO website
  • Members of the public can view the entire content of the reissue application file history online

Direct quote: ‘All reissue applications, all applications in which the Office has accepted a request to open the complete application to inspection by the public, and related papers in the application file, are open to inspection by the public, and copies may be furnished upon paying the fee therefor.’ (37 CFR 1.11(b))

Patent applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. As stated in the MPEP, All applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. This digital system allows examiners, technical support staff, and other Office personnel to perform further processing and examination efficiently.

For physical items such as models, exhibits, and specimens, special handling procedures are in place. The MPEP directs readers to MPEP § 608.03 and 608.03(a) for more information on these items.

For more information on image file wrapper, visit: image file wrapper.

For more information on patent application filing, visit: patent application filing.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

No, powers to inspect are not accepted in Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications. IFW applications are available through the Private Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system, and pro se applicants and attorneys of record have direct access to the IFW through Private PAIR when:

  • A Customer Number is associated with the correspondence address for the application, and
  • The applicant or attorney has access to Private PAIR for the customer number

In addition, IFW application files of published applications or patents are available at least through Patent Center. If an applicant, inventor, assignee, or attorney/agent of record cannot view an IFW application through Private PAIR or Patent Center, then a copy of the application must be purchased from the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch of the Public Records Division.

Patent Procedure (5)

The Image File Wrapper (IFW) system is an electronic system used by the USPTO to store and process patent application files. Key points about the IFW system and its impact on public access include:

  • Paper components of application files are scanned to create electronic image files
  • For IFW applications, the electronic file is the Official file
  • No access is granted to original paper documents used to create the IFW file
  • Processing and examination are conducted using electronic images
  • IFW files for patented applications, published applications, or applications referenced in published documents are accessible through Patent Center on the USPTO website
  • All patent applications filed after June 30, 2003, have been scanned into the IFW system

The IFW system has made it easier for the public to access eligible patent application files online through Patent Center, eliminating the need to physically inspect paper files in many cases.

Information about reexamination proceedings is made available to the public in several ways:

  1. Announcement in the Official Gazette:
    • The filing of each request for reexamination (where the full fee has been paid) is announced
    • Reexaminations ordered at the Director’s initiative are also announced
  2. Public inspection of reexamination files:
    • Once scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, reexamination files are open to public inspection
    • Files can be accessed through Patent Center on the USPTO website
    • The entire contents of the reexamination file are viewable, except for non-patent literature

Direct quote: ‘All requests for reexamination for which all the requirements of § 1.510 or § 1.915 have been satisfied will be announced in the Official Gazette. Any reexaminations at the initiative of the Director pursuant to § 1.520 will also be announced in the Official Gazette.’ (37 CFR 1.11(c))

Note that a reexamination file is typically not open to inspection until it has been scanned into the IFW system.

For papers that have been scanned into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system, the USPTO has a specific procedure for ‘returning’ them. According to MPEP 508.02:

“If a paper has been scanned into the IFW, ‘return’ of the paper will be accomplished by the Office closing it in IFW.”

This means that instead of physically returning the paper, the USPTO will electronically close or restrict access to the document within the IFW system. This process maintains the integrity of the digital file while effectively ‘returning’ the document.

To learn more:

Reissue application files are generally open to public inspection. According to 37 CFR 1.11(b):

  • Reissue applications are open to inspection by the general public
  • The filing of reissue applications (except for continued prosecution applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d)) is announced in the Official Gazette
  • The announcement includes details such as filing date, reissue application and original patent numbers, title, inventor name, and examining group

For Image File Wrapper (IFW) reissue applications:

  • Files are open to inspection by the general public through Patent Center via the USPTO website
  • Members of the public can view the entire content of the reissue application file history online

Direct quote: ‘All reissue applications, all applications in which the Office has accepted a request to open the complete application to inspection by the public, and related papers in the application file, are open to inspection by the public, and copies may be furnished upon paying the fee therefor.’ (37 CFR 1.11(b))

Patent applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. As stated in the MPEP, All applications are electronically scanned and loaded into the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system upon filing. This digital system allows examiners, technical support staff, and other Office personnel to perform further processing and examination efficiently.

For physical items such as models, exhibits, and specimens, special handling procedures are in place. The MPEP directs readers to MPEP § 608.03 and 608.03(a) for more information on these items.

For more information on image file wrapper, visit: image file wrapper.

For more information on patent application filing, visit: patent application filing.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.