Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims (2)

A certified copy of a foreign application is a copy of the original foreign application with a certification by the patent office of the foreign country in which it was filed. According to the MPEP, “Certified copies ordinarily consist of a copy of the specification and drawings of the applications as filed with a certificate of the foreign patent office giving certain information.” It’s important to note that a copy of the certified copy filed by the applicant will not satisfy the requirement for a certified copy.

No, a copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply with the certified copy requirement. The MPEP states: “A copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply since the application as filed is required; however, a copy of the printed specification and drawing of the foreign patent is sufficient if the certification indicates that it corresponds to the application as filed.” The key is that the certified copy must represent the application as originally filed, not the patent as eventually issued.

MPEP 215-Certified Copy of Foreign Application (2)

A certified copy of a foreign application is a copy of the original foreign application with a certification by the patent office of the foreign country in which it was filed. According to the MPEP, “Certified copies ordinarily consist of a copy of the specification and drawings of the applications as filed with a certificate of the foreign patent office giving certain information.” It’s important to note that a copy of the certified copy filed by the applicant will not satisfy the requirement for a certified copy.

No, a copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply with the certified copy requirement. The MPEP states: “A copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply since the application as filed is required; however, a copy of the printed specification and drawing of the foreign patent is sufficient if the certification indicates that it corresponds to the application as filed.” The key is that the certified copy must represent the application as originally filed, not the patent as eventually issued.

Patent Law (2)

A certified copy of a foreign application is a copy of the original foreign application with a certification by the patent office of the foreign country in which it was filed. According to the MPEP, “Certified copies ordinarily consist of a copy of the specification and drawings of the applications as filed with a certificate of the foreign patent office giving certain information.” It’s important to note that a copy of the certified copy filed by the applicant will not satisfy the requirement for a certified copy.

No, a copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply with the certified copy requirement. The MPEP states: “A copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply since the application as filed is required; however, a copy of the printed specification and drawing of the foreign patent is sufficient if the certification indicates that it corresponds to the application as filed.” The key is that the certified copy must represent the application as originally filed, not the patent as eventually issued.

Patent Procedure (2)

A certified copy of a foreign application is a copy of the original foreign application with a certification by the patent office of the foreign country in which it was filed. According to the MPEP, “Certified copies ordinarily consist of a copy of the specification and drawings of the applications as filed with a certificate of the foreign patent office giving certain information.” It’s important to note that a copy of the certified copy filed by the applicant will not satisfy the requirement for a certified copy.

No, a copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply with the certified copy requirement. The MPEP states: “A copy of the foreign patent as issued does not comply since the application as filed is required; however, a copy of the printed specification and drawing of the foreign patent is sufficient if the certification indicates that it corresponds to the application as filed.” The key is that the certified copy must represent the application as originally filed, not the patent as eventually issued.