Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

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MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner (1)

Yes, registered patent practitioners can file papers in patent applications and reexamination proceedings without being of record. MPEP 405 states:

Papers may be filed in patent applications and reexamination proceedings by registered attorneys or agents not of record under 37 CFR 1.34. Filing of such papers is considered to be a representation that the attorney or agent is authorized to act in a representative capacity on behalf of applicant.

This means that by filing papers, the practitioner is implicitly stating they have authorization to act on behalf of the applicant, even if they are not officially recorded as the attorney or agent of record.

MPEP 405 - Interviews With Patent Practitioner Not of Record (1)

Yes, registered patent practitioners can file papers in patent applications and reexamination proceedings without being of record. MPEP 405 states:

Papers may be filed in patent applications and reexamination proceedings by registered attorneys or agents not of record under 37 CFR 1.34. Filing of such papers is considered to be a representation that the attorney or agent is authorized to act in a representative capacity on behalf of applicant.

This means that by filing papers, the practitioner is implicitly stating they have authorization to act on behalf of the applicant, even if they are not officially recorded as the attorney or agent of record.

Patent Law (2)

Yes, an assignee of part interest can file papers in a patent application even if it goes against the wishes of the inventor or other assignees. However, this is subject to the Commissioner’s discretion.

According to MPEP 106.01:

“Furthermore, the assignee of a part interest may prosecute the application to the exclusion of the inventor, and may file papers against the wishes of the inventor.”

This provision allows part interest assignees to protect their rights in the application, but the Commissioner retains authority to manage conflicts between parties.

To learn more:

Yes, registered patent practitioners can file papers in patent applications and reexamination proceedings without being of record. MPEP 405 states:

Papers may be filed in patent applications and reexamination proceedings by registered attorneys or agents not of record under 37 CFR 1.34. Filing of such papers is considered to be a representation that the attorney or agent is authorized to act in a representative capacity on behalf of applicant.

This means that by filing papers, the practitioner is implicitly stating they have authorization to act on behalf of the applicant, even if they are not officially recorded as the attorney or agent of record.

Patent Procedure (2)

Yes, an assignee of part interest can file papers in a patent application even if it goes against the wishes of the inventor or other assignees. However, this is subject to the Commissioner’s discretion.

According to MPEP 106.01:

“Furthermore, the assignee of a part interest may prosecute the application to the exclusion of the inventor, and may file papers against the wishes of the inventor.”

This provision allows part interest assignees to protect their rights in the application, but the Commissioner retains authority to manage conflicts between parties.

To learn more:

Yes, registered patent practitioners can file papers in patent applications and reexamination proceedings without being of record. MPEP 405 states:

Papers may be filed in patent applications and reexamination proceedings by registered attorneys or agents not of record under 37 CFR 1.34. Filing of such papers is considered to be a representation that the attorney or agent is authorized to act in a representative capacity on behalf of applicant.

This means that by filing papers, the practitioner is implicitly stating they have authorization to act on behalf of the applicant, even if they are not officially recorded as the attorney or agent of record.