Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (1)

Patent examiners typically do not require title reports for routine examination. The MPEP states:

Information as to the title is not normally required by the examiner to examine an application. It is only in limited circumstances when the ownership becomes an issue and an examiner needs a title report.

When ownership information is necessary, examiners can obtain a title report through the USPTO’s internal PALM Intranet system.

MPEP 320 - Title Reports (1)

Patent examiners typically do not require title reports for routine examination. The MPEP states:

Information as to the title is not normally required by the examiner to examine an application. It is only in limited circumstances when the ownership becomes an issue and an examiner needs a title report.

When ownership information is necessary, examiners can obtain a title report through the USPTO’s internal PALM Intranet system.

MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner (1)

After an application filed under pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is accepted by the USPTO, the examiner proceeds with the application as usual. As stated in the MPEP:

“After an application deposited pursuant to pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is found acceptable by the Office, the examiner will act on the application in the usual manner.”

This means that the application will be examined and processed like any other patent application, despite its initial filing under special circumstances.

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Patent Law (2)

Patent examiners typically do not require title reports for routine examination. The MPEP states:

Information as to the title is not normally required by the examiner to examine an application. It is only in limited circumstances when the ownership becomes an issue and an examiner needs a title report.

When ownership information is necessary, examiners can obtain a title report through the USPTO’s internal PALM Intranet system.

After an application filed under pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is accepted by the USPTO, the examiner proceeds with the application as usual. As stated in the MPEP:

“After an application deposited pursuant to pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is found acceptable by the Office, the examiner will act on the application in the usual manner.”

This means that the application will be examined and processed like any other patent application, despite its initial filing under special circumstances.

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Patent Procedure (2)

Patent examiners typically do not require title reports for routine examination. The MPEP states:

Information as to the title is not normally required by the examiner to examine an application. It is only in limited circumstances when the ownership becomes an issue and an examiner needs a title report.

When ownership information is necessary, examiners can obtain a title report through the USPTO’s internal PALM Intranet system.

After an application filed under pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is accepted by the USPTO, the examiner proceeds with the application as usual. As stated in the MPEP:

“After an application deposited pursuant to pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 is found acceptable by the Office, the examiner will act on the application in the usual manner.”

This means that the application will be examined and processed like any other patent application, despite its initial filing under special circumstances.

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