Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (1)

Can I submit a photocopy or digital scan of my assignment document for USPTO recording?

Yes, you can submit a photocopy or digital scan of your assignment document for USPTO recording, as long as it’s a complete and legible copy. The MPEP 302.01 specifies: ‘The copy of the document to be recorded should be presented to the Office for recordation.’ This means that:

  • Photocopies are acceptable
  • Digital scans saved as PDF files are also acceptable
  • The copy must be clear and readable
  • All pages and attachments must be included
Remember, while you’re submitting a copy, it must accurately represent the original document in its entirety.

MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents (1)

Can I submit a photocopy or digital scan of my assignment document for USPTO recording?

Yes, you can submit a photocopy or digital scan of your assignment document for USPTO recording, as long as it’s a complete and legible copy. The MPEP 302.01 specifies: ‘The copy of the document to be recorded should be presented to the Office for recordation.’ This means that:

  • Photocopies are acceptable
  • Digital scans saved as PDF files are also acceptable
  • The copy must be clear and readable
  • All pages and attachments must be included

Remember, while you’re submitting a copy, it must accurately represent the original document in its entirety.

Patent Law (1)

Can I submit a photocopy or digital scan of my assignment document for USPTO recording?

Yes, you can submit a photocopy or digital scan of your assignment document for USPTO recording, as long as it’s a complete and legible copy. The MPEP 302.01 specifies: ‘The copy of the document to be recorded should be presented to the Office for recordation.’ This means that:

  • Photocopies are acceptable
  • Digital scans saved as PDF files are also acceptable
  • The copy must be clear and readable
  • All pages and attachments must be included

Remember, while you’re submitting a copy, it must accurately represent the original document in its entirety.

Patent Procedure (1)

Can I submit a photocopy or digital scan of my assignment document for USPTO recording?

Yes, you can submit a photocopy or digital scan of your assignment document for USPTO recording, as long as it’s a complete and legible copy. The MPEP 302.01 specifies: ‘The copy of the document to be recorded should be presented to the Office for recordation.’ This means that:

  • Photocopies are acceptable
  • Digital scans saved as PDF files are also acceptable
  • The copy must be clear and readable
  • All pages and attachments must be included

Remember, while you’re submitting a copy, it must accurately represent the original document in its entirety.