Patent Law FAQ

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (1)

The date of receipt for assignment documents sent to the USPTO by fax is determined by when the complete transmission is received. According to MPEP 302.09:

The date of receipt accorded to an assignment document sent to the Office by facsimile transmission is the date the complete transmission is received in the Office.

It’s important to note that the benefits of a certificate of transmission under 37 CFR 1.8 are available for fax submissions. This can provide additional protection in case of transmission issues.

For more information on date of receipt for electronic submissions, you can refer to MPEP § 502.01.

To learn more:

MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers (1)

If the USPTO receives a document without a date of receipt stamp, the Office will assign the document a date of receipt based on other evidence. This may include:

  • The date of receipt indicated on an Express Mail label
  • The date of deposit indicated on a certificate of mailing
  • The date of transmission indicated on a certificate of transmission
  • Other corroborating evidence, such as a postmark on an envelope

In cases where no other evidence is available, the USPTO may assign the date of receipt as the date the document was matched with the file wrapper.

MPEP 505 - Date of Receipt Stamp (1)

If the USPTO receives a document without a date of receipt stamp, the Office will assign the document a date of receipt based on other evidence. This may include:

  • The date of receipt indicated on an Express Mail label
  • The date of deposit indicated on a certificate of mailing
  • The date of transmission indicated on a certificate of transmission
  • Other corroborating evidence, such as a postmark on an envelope

In cases where no other evidence is available, the USPTO may assign the date of receipt as the date the document was matched with the file wrapper.

Patent Law (2)

The date of receipt for assignment documents sent to the USPTO by fax is determined by when the complete transmission is received. According to MPEP 302.09:

The date of receipt accorded to an assignment document sent to the Office by facsimile transmission is the date the complete transmission is received in the Office.

It’s important to note that the benefits of a certificate of transmission under 37 CFR 1.8 are available for fax submissions. This can provide additional protection in case of transmission issues.

For more information on date of receipt for electronic submissions, you can refer to MPEP § 502.01.

To learn more:

If the USPTO receives a document without a date of receipt stamp, the Office will assign the document a date of receipt based on other evidence. This may include:

  • The date of receipt indicated on an Express Mail label
  • The date of deposit indicated on a certificate of mailing
  • The date of transmission indicated on a certificate of transmission
  • Other corroborating evidence, such as a postmark on an envelope

In cases where no other evidence is available, the USPTO may assign the date of receipt as the date the document was matched with the file wrapper.

Patent Procedure (2)

The date of receipt for assignment documents sent to the USPTO by fax is determined by when the complete transmission is received. According to MPEP 302.09:

The date of receipt accorded to an assignment document sent to the Office by facsimile transmission is the date the complete transmission is received in the Office.

It’s important to note that the benefits of a certificate of transmission under 37 CFR 1.8 are available for fax submissions. This can provide additional protection in case of transmission issues.

For more information on date of receipt for electronic submissions, you can refer to MPEP § 502.01.

To learn more:

If the USPTO receives a document without a date of receipt stamp, the Office will assign the document a date of receipt based on other evidence. This may include:

  • The date of receipt indicated on an Express Mail label
  • The date of deposit indicated on a certificate of mailing
  • The date of transmission indicated on a certificate of transmission
  • Other corroborating evidence, such as a postmark on an envelope

In cases where no other evidence is available, the USPTO may assign the date of receipt as the date the document was matched with the file wrapper.